adam k.
things i make and things i like.

Feb 4, 2008

hello, is it me you're looking for?

i think we should change the title of the blog.
i like "the official end of everything". don't like cabin fever believer. maybe because i don't get it.
can we change the title?
this post is becoming a bit like when people post messages on the wall in facebook instead of sending a private message so everyone can see that they are talking with that person about how amazing their new haircut is. i hate people that do that. which is more or less everyone. i'm sure i could analyze people like that and see a symbolism for the merge of our individualist capitalist society with web 2.0. but i won't.
anyway. this is quite cool. (if you have a mac that is, otherwise is quite boring, but then you are probably quite boring if you haven't got a mac so it suits you just fine)


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