i agree. about the individualist society and web 2.0. i think it ties into the celebrity culture business. i keep noticing how dumbed down things are in England (and probably here too, but in the absence of the red tops it's hard to get a good handle on the low end of society without actually getting your safari gear on and actually, like, going and living among them and that), and the way everyone says these throw away comments about people they don't really know ("amy winehouse is blonde now!") and it makes me think that (and i'm definitely a victim of this) people don't really think their lives are worthwhile unless someone is watching. hence new clothes thrills, facebook, the worship of the suddenly-famous prole. especially the worship of the suddenly-famous prole. because people think "ooh, they're just like me! no more talented, or attractive or interesting! but people take pictures of them shopping or wiping their arse or vomiting up their iceland king prawn roles, and thus they have achieved a higher status of being than us old fashioned left on the shelf proles." they may not phrase it exactly thusly, but something similar, punctuated with references to low culture and some belching and gasping (caused by the obesity).
and no, we can't change the name. allow me to explain:
cabin fever is a condition which produces restlessness and irritability caused by being in a confined space, isolated and/or shut in for an extended period. i believe in it. and it rhymes. the only other possibility would have been "break in case of anything", which is nice. we could potentially change it to "cabin fever believers" now there's two of us. and glad i am that there's two of us by the way. it's nice and cosy now. shall we invite someone else? if so, who?
oh, and by the way, welcome! antonio
adam k.
things i make and things i like.
things i make and things i like.
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