adam k.
things i make and things i like.

Feb 11, 2008

Clever Americans

If analyzed through my first hand experience my knowledge of the McSweeney´s literary empire is limited. Yet, I´ve just added several works by Dave Egger´s protegés to my Amazon wish list so I think that gives me enough credibility to recommend them.

If you have no idea what I´m talking about, then read

In any case, if you like books and stuff you are probably going to like this brand of literary entreprises.

there´s a journal. a blog. a dvd magazine. and quite few books. and another journal.

If this is all too much, then watch this unrelated
gem of eastern european cultural assimilation.

1 comment:

ad said...

i for one am excited about what is the what. and, did you read eggers' mina sagas in the observer magazine a few years ago? mini-stories (about 100 words i think). they were great, and really showed that you have really great writing, and really smart/sad/funny/beautiful stories without, well, that many words and that.