things i make and things i like.
Feb 28, 2008
tidying the mental environment/a dilemma
if you don't want to watch the rather sumptuously produced video, you can simply check out some great pictures of the new, unbranded são paulo instead. let's hope more cities do the same soon.
Feb 26, 2008

last saturday i was invited to speak at a sort of cultural event thing here in porto, as one of three projects loosely linked under the event title: borders (fronteiras).
the first presentation was given by an architect named marta, from cirurgias urbanas, which is a portuguese architect collective who are working with architects without borders. their project involved organising a competition to ask people to propose projects to provide cheap, sustainable housing to develop areas of their city for habitation by primarily immigrants and asylum seekers, and to evolve the concept of a hosting centre (the places where immigrants are housed while waiting for deportation/citizenship) into a more open, constructive way of finding an active place in the host city for them. the project was called cidade de abrigo, or hosting city.
for me, this raised a lot of issues about immigration (not least the fear that this was all a bit lefty, with no practical dissection of the actual ethics of immigration, just a simple idealistic "we should let them all in and help them!" attitude, which i was able to discuss with marta in the debate afterwards and find was not really the case, although i think i was the only person there who doesn't think we should have boundless immigration and if i hadn't been presenting a project about israel/palestne i would have been branded a raging tory).
i was next, talking about the process and purpose of an exhibition nuno coelho and i made a couple of years ago based on some experiences we had in palestine. technically it's an exhibition by nuno coelho (not one to share glory), but i was asked to talk about it as i was involved in some small way, and nuno was off holidaying in the açores. so, i gave a little presentation, explaining why the posters were made the way they were, and about the problems with widespread information about political situations like this and about the potential problems of education in conflict zones and unilateral borders and all that type of stuff.
anyway, after me was this lovely group of austrians, who are part of a vary varied and multi-talented collective called goldextra. they were presenting a project they were working on, which was basically a computer game made in the half life 2 model (that's a reference for computer game types by the way) so multiple players in different locations can play at the same time. when playing the game, you can choose to be either a border guard or an illegal immigrant trying to cross the borders. you can follow one of two routes, one from western africa, and one from eastern europe, and get try and get into europe. it was actually really interesting. i'm not into computer games really (at all), but the process or research they went through and the reasons that they decided to make a computer game to illustrate a point were really fascinating for me (for each project the group do, they try to choose a different medium that they feel fits the purpose).
anyway, they were lovely, so go and have a look at their websites and that. we had a very pleasant conversation over delicious greek food too, which was courtesy of 555, so thank you to 555!
Feb 22, 2008
it's not like the old days is it? but is it better?
words words words words

Feb 14, 2008
results are in
Feb 11, 2008
Clever Americans
If you have no idea what I´m talking about, then read this.
In any case, if you like books and stuff you are probably going to like this brand of literary entreprises.
there´s a journal. a blog. a dvd magazine. and quite few books. and another journal.
If this is all too much, then watch this unrelated gem of eastern european cultural assimilation.
Feb 6, 2008

look! over there! there is a poll for your interactive enjoyment! i want both of you to vote ok? this is a serious decision. antonio, put a picture (or pictures) of your choice up for our deliberation. me? i'm going with string, but democracy is the by word here, so think super wednesday and have your say!
Feb 4, 2008
welcome! antonio
and no, we can't change the name. allow me to explain:
cabin fever is a condition which produces restlessness and irritability caused by being in a confined space, isolated and/or shut in for an extended period. i believe in it. and it rhymes. the only other possibility would have been "break in case of anything", which is nice. we could potentially change it to "cabin fever believers" now there's two of us. and glad i am that there's two of us by the way. it's nice and cosy now. shall we invite someone else? if so, who?
oh, and by the way, welcome! antonio
hello, is it me you're looking for?
i like "the official end of everything". don't like cabin fever believer. maybe because i don't get it.
can we change the title?
this post is becoming a bit like when people post messages on the wall in facebook instead of sending a private message so everyone can see that they are talking with that person about how amazing their new haircut is. i hate people that do that. which is more or less everyone. i'm sure i could analyze people like that and see a symbolism for the merge of our individualist capitalist society with web 2.0. but i won't.
anyway. this is quite cool. (if you have a mac that is, otherwise is quite boring, but then you are probably quite boring if you haven't got a mac so it suits you just fine)
Feb 3, 2008
a fawning parasite
Feb 2, 2008
a virtual raison d'etre
allow me to explain. i fully embrace the following facts:
i will probably get a bit upset that no-one will read my blog, apart from maybe my friend julie, who lives in france and, to be quite honest, probably has very little else/better to do (sorry julie).
i acknowledge that although i will get upset about this, i will also find it totally understandable, as i never go around reading blogs. and i probably won't really put up anything worth looking at anyway. or i'll put loads of things up, and then i'll forget about it for ages, and then come and check and be doubly disappointed.
i will almost certainly lose interest in blogging within a year (maybe less). this loss of interest may be fuelled by the following things:
lack of people making jaw droppingly hilarious responses to my witty, insightful comments on daily life/utterly brilliant pictures (they'll come sooner or later, be patient).
the realisation that making and maintaining this blog is yet another activity of a lengthy list of things i do to procrastinate, and not do things which are ultimately more important than giving myself a virtual raison d'etre (!) (hark at me), for example:
reading magazines/newspapers/books, making lists, smoking, watching films, having a job, putting them stickers on things and then peeling them off again and then sticking them on a bit straighter and then peeling them off again etc., staring out of windows, drawing pictures of space rockets (really), organising documents and bills in a hugely unrealistic way which i will immediately stop maintaining rendering the activity pointless, and/or worrying obsessively about my ultimate pointlessness and inferiority and inability to achieve anything.
(things i procrastinate against (against?))
having a job, talking to people in real life, achieving tangible goals which enrich me as a person, organising my finances/teeth.
however. despite knowing all this in advance, i've decided to throw caution to the wind and advance gung-ho into the world of blogging. watch out (world of blogging). here i come.
this post should end on that optimistic note, but in a punch to the face of emphatic final comments, i'll continue, and aim to end on a more even keel. sort of a warm down if you will.
i'm off now to stare out of a window for a bit. the chinese family opposite usually get home around this time.