adam k.
things i make and things i like.

May 14, 2008

a foray into arts and crafts

i was asked to do something on a small canvas for a charity exhibition recently. as i don't make art, i wondered what to do, and in the end i deceided to get a "lenço do namorado" (lover's hankerchief) made. traditionally, illiterate fishermens' wives embroider love poems for their husbands in fishing villages here in northern portugal (specifically in viana de castelo). for non-portuguese speakers, the last line of the poem translates as "i like you". 


Anonymous said...

it turned out so nice! i would like that on my wall! when's the auction?

ad said...

may 29th! minimum price is 100 euros, but it's for the little kids on mozambique...

there are a few takers already mind you!

sr.gouveia said...

amazed, surprised, staggered, bewildered, astounded, dazed, stunned, confounded, perplexed, gobsmacked, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, etc
it turned out awesome!!!!
congrats 2 C.

ad said...

SOLD. no, it really was.

Celia Esteves said...
