adam k.
things i make and things i like.

May 14, 2008

a foray into arts and crafts

i was asked to do something on a small canvas for a charity exhibition recently. as i don't make art, i wondered what to do, and in the end i deceided to get a "lenço do namorado" (lover's hankerchief) made. traditionally, illiterate fishermens' wives embroider love poems for their husbands in fishing villages here in northern portugal (specifically in viana de castelo). for non-portuguese speakers, the last line of the poem translates as "i like you". 

May 12, 2008

we're all going on a summer holiday

but where? where exactly?
let's show those africans how democracy can work. votes please (open to international observers' scrutiny, of course)

four things i like

ok, here are four things i like:

1. the rather nice website for miranda july (of me, you and everyone we know fame) 's book, no-one belongs here more than you. i wish i had had this idea. 

2. daniel eatock. just generally. he has some nice things on his lo-fi-in-a-good-way site. i bought a card he made once, where you could just tick boxes to indicate the recipient of the card, and it's purpose (in fact, to give you a better idea, here is a picture of a couple of said cards: 
i also really like this idea

3. taxidermy. not the horrible film. the stuffing of animals for decorative purposes. controversial i know, but i feel strangely attracted to it. my birthday is approaching, and for those of you with the inclination, nothing says "happy birthday you wonderful individual" like a small foxes head tastefully mounted on a wooden shield, thusly:

(it can be found here- for the amzing price of 85 pounds (WHAT a bargain) -courtesy of miss sarah chorley)
4. francesca beard. officially a "performance poet", ms beard is actually quite fun. veering between intelligent stand up comedy and credible performance poetry, she is both intelligent and humerous. i recommend listening to national accident helpline, the poem that was really a list, or everybody's angry. or just go to her site and browse a bit. 

so, do you like them too? there may be more things i like on here soon. if there's anything you like, let me know! it's all about the sharing.